Pantha Rei

Those who know me better than just superficially can tell a story about my utter contempt for Google. For what they are, for what they do. To you, to me, to us as a society. It scares me how they try to cover up their extremely invasive behaviour as...

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I run without goal, so every kilometre becomes a reminder that I made another part of the whole. Every step hurts, no matter the pace. I count, as I do not know how many more to come, the milestones I have passed. It pains me less, as I...

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A naked lightbulb swings over the stairs. Each step down moves you further out of its reach. As your fingers glide across the cracks in the bannister you notice the smell of turpentine, potatoes and wet straw. We have this tendency to believe...

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Night’s rest is gone, when in shadows’ guise the creatures come. Their cheerless eyes rest on you, so cold. Your hope it dies and numb you hold your breath so long that jaded and old you are when day has come.

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She: There are takers in life and givers. He: So, the givers suffer because of the takers? She: No, I think they both suffer equally. He: How so? Don’t the givers miss what they gave away? And don’t the takers enjoy what they have been...

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‘I have a similar one’ she said rummaging through her brocade handbag, ‘and I am sure it is in here.’ The bumps in the track made the plume on her hat wiggle like the tail of an excited Cocker Spaniel. Ta-dum, ta-dum, ta-dum. The absence of...

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She: ‘Are you still afraid of walking a dark path, even when you know your destination?’ He: ‘Well, do I know how far it is still away?’ She: ‘For the sake of the argument; let’s say you do, yes.’ He: ‘Well then I think it is...

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We shared the same path for a wonderful while, sang the same songs and danced frantically in bacchic ellipses. We entertained the same ideals, not always, just often enough. Not anymore, though. So often you carried my burden as I carried yours,...

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There is nothing in the Universe And particles. Which dance around. Themselves and each other. When they join an other they become another. Yet even then each remains alone, nothing between them. I shall never touch you, but dance we can.

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Our attention is like the beam of a torch piercing the darkness. If we direct it towards the horizon then everything on our path becomes a grey blur. Yet, if we illuminate what is directly around us we cannot see what might come in the distance.

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